you may have experienced this popular error message at least several times if you have been using the computer for few years. In windows this error message pop ups as a run time error, most probably when you are going to launch a program. You can re install the program again or you can reinstall Windows. But you will see that error message pops up again. So what should we do ?
Before that let me explain the reasons for this error msg.
- Deleting a .dll file without knowing
- Over writing a dll file where the new one is incompatible or invalid.
- Malicious program (eg: Virus) may have deleted your dll file
- dll file may be corrupted or crashed by improper installation of a particular program.
- corrupted dll entries in the windows registry.
Even though it seems the best solution to handle this error instantly is downloading the individual dll file from some site I suggest you to reconsider the decision. Because there is a risk that the individual dll file providers are not providing the up to date, genuine and original dll file which will lead you to experience compatibility issues as well. You better be aware that computers pop up the first error message they encounter to the user as an error message when there are thousands of one errors down the list. So most probably the biggest problem may be some thing else, though it pops up to download the missing dll file. So better to run a registry scan and identify what is the most essential error to be corrected. If you are a genius you can do it by yourself by skimming through the registry files. there are tools to identify and fix the registry errors. For an example 1-Click PC care.
You can now download it from here.